I really like the animation - 'Finding Nemo', especially the character Dory, so it is why I choose Dory as my main object for my assignment 2. You can basically move Dory in different directions to escape from the devil! However, if you like the character Nemo / Shark, you still can play them by choosing a different character in the 'play menu'. Also, if you would like to play in other scenes, you can select 'Underground' or 'Fish Tank' in other scenes too. The characters use Minecraft style, and I believe the kids will enjoy this cute and funny design. I know there is a lot of unperfectness within my game, but it is my first game, and I did try my best to build. So, I hope you can leave some comments below after you play it and feel free to let me know how I can improve my game for my next project. Thank you, and enjoy!

P.S You can use both keyboard & mouse for the movements (e.g. left, right, up, down, plus, minus, space ( = rotate) , backspace (= reset) ).


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Hi Rosanna, well done, it's a good effort to make this game playable. I would like to suggest you not to have a lot of different range of colours as you have for the scenes, although they are necessary when hovering or so, probably two or maximum three colours along the game would be enough considering the size of our project.

On the other hand, personally I didn't like the font that you use  in general for the project, the description as well as the comments on itch.io seem difficult to read and understand.

I want to remark how nice the background of the underground scene looks, good job Rosanna.

Hi Jonathan, thank you for your comments. Many people found Pixel hard to read, it is a really good point, even though I quite like it haha.

I try to match the colour with the objects but maybe it is too busy, I will consider it for my next project!

Many thank!



Hi Rosanna,

You really did so many efforts to your game. It contains so many scenes which can tell us a full story. And good navigation bett\ween scenes, you also did the keyboard function while move left/right or up/down.

But i mentioned that there's a little issue when press move right in Play->Shark scene, the shark is dispeared when press right.

I really like your game, the element of lego type just looks like the cute games i played before.



Hi Tracy,

Thanks for your comment!

Yes, I really enjoy the keyboard functions - makes our life easier.

For the shark scene, good to know that it will disappear when you press right and I would like to find out why. I noticed that when you press 'rotation', the shark will disappear sometimes because the background photos cover part of its body.

Overall, thanks for your comment again and I will do it better next time❤



Hey Rosanna!

Wow! You did sooo much! I love that you have the consistency of colours, objects and game style in all the scenes. good idea to separate the "help" button, so users can notice it straight away.

But I noticed that some scenes are missing the button to go back to the menu (or I can no see it because of my screen resolution?) Also, I don't get what to do in "other scenes" games. Maybe you could add more explanation. Now, as a user, I am a little bit confused.

And I would change your comment and description sections fonts, it's really hard to read.

Good Job Girl! 

Hi Rosa,

Thanks for your comments!

There are buttons to go back to the menu for every scene, not sure why is not showing in your computer, maybe try full screen? 

And for other scenes, the users need to find out the hidden button from the scene and the secret message will pop up, I did mention these in the pop up message and comment section but like you said, the text style is little bit hard to read. I quite like the style of the font though (it matchs with my Minecraft objects) and it is good to know the users may not find it the same way.

Thank you for your comment again and I will do it better next time😊



(5 edits)

Many friends mentioned that I should have more instructions for my game, so they know what to do. Therefore, I would suggest some tasks below:

For Dory, Nemo & Shark, you just need to get familiar with the buttons, no tasks are required!

For Underground, you only can move Dory, and your task is to find out the hidden message from the helpers so that you can save Dory & Nemo!

For the fish tank, you only can move Dory too, and your task is to find out the hidden message from Tad so that you can help Nemo to escape (try not to be caught by the little girl ar!)

Thanks for my dear friends, again :)

(1 edit)

Hi Everyone,

You may find this game very simple and don't know what to do about it. Basically, it is just a prototype to show the basic characters and functions (up, down, left, right, bigger, smaller and reset). Unfortunately, it is not a 'game' yet and the functions are limited. However, your feedbacks are valuable and it will definitely help me to improve my final game in the future! 

REMEMBER: You can use both your keyboard & mouse to move the characters!


Rosanna Yip